Shamrock Cookies

on Thursday, March 18, 2010

My granddaughters came over last night and made shamrock cookies with me. "Grandma, you're the best cooker!" exclaimed Naomi. We filled the Pampered Chef cookie press with the sugar cookie dough and had a ball pulling the trigger to magically produce shamrock-shaped dough. "I can do it!" Josie piped in. Then we sprinkled green sugar on them, baked them, and enjoyed eating cookies with cold milk. Yum.

I didn't use a recipe this time. Just tossed into the KitchenAide the basic sugar cookie ingredients:
sugar, eggs, shortening, butter flavoring, milk/cream, salt, baking soda, baking powder, vanilla. Added enough flour to make a nicely textured dough. Baked at 375 for 6 min.

How can it fail? The Kitchen Diva comes through again.


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